Hiya Hiya Double Point Needles

This product is available in limited quantities and will not be restocked.
Availability: In stock

HiyaHiya's high quality stainless-steel sharp double pointed needles are hollow, giving them a lovely lightweight feel. This does not compromise their strength and durability and they feature HiyaHiya's characteristic tapered points, allowing stitches to glide effortlessly over the needle points - ideal for knitting intricate stitches and lace patterns.

The high quality of the bamboo double pointed needles is assured using the finest selected bamboo that won't splinter or warp over time. The bamboo DPNs are, furthermore, injected with a resin that allows them to be lighter in weight which decreases the strain on the knitter's wrists. This ensures all our bamboo double pointed needles are warm to the touch which is fantastic for knitters with reduced dexterity.