
Day-2 Maggie here! I've had such a good time with Brenda and her family. We started out riding the light rail to downtown Seattle. That was fun. We went really fast and furious. 😁 First we went to the Space needle. It's very tall and a little scary, but it was super fun. We got some really good pictures of Mt. Rainier and Puget Sound Bay. Then we were off to the Chi Hueley glass museum. Boy was that beautiful. 
Next, we had to find the big red tour bus to show us around the city. Brenda found a yarn shop called So Much Yarn. We were greeted by two ladies. The shop owner and Blythe, her overly excited employee, scared me. She recognized Brenda's avena sweater and started to jump up and down. ðŸ˜ģ Then Brenda just handed me over to Blythe for a picture with her. I thought to myself "GIRL WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Stranger Danger!" But it was fine. ðŸĪŠ 
After all that excitement, we were hungry, so we went and had lunch at the Fisherman's wharf. We all had a feast of fresh seafood. Yummo! 
When we were headed back to the hotel we got thirsty, so we stopped off at Pikes Brewery. I couldn't sample any, because I was not old enough. 😛 But everyone else seemed to enjoy it. 
Got back to the hotel and called it a night.
Day-3 Man did we have to get up early! We had to be ready by 7 am for an Uber to get us to the train station. We made it in plenty of time thanks to my new friend cousin Kelly. She is an amazing navigator.  We are off to Canada. See y'all soon 🙂 #maggiethemouse 


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